Precompiles Hooks

Hooks for interacting with Avalanche precompiled contracts.

Precompile Hooks

BuilderKit provides a set of React hooks for interacting with Avalanche's precompiled contracts. These hooks simplify the interaction with L1-level functionality and administrative operations.

Available Hooks

Integration with Transaction Components

All precompile hooks return transaction data that can be used with the TransactionButton or TransactionManager components.

function App() {
  const { mintNativeCoin } = useNativeMinter();
  const handleMint = () => {
    const data = mintNativeCoin("0x1234...", "0x1000000000000000");
    return (
        title="Mint Tokens"
        description="Minting native tokens"

Access Control with useAllowList

Most precompiles in Avalanche use a role-based access control system managed through the useAllowList hook. This means that before using precompile functions, you need to ensure the calling address has the appropriate role.

The role system has three levels:

  • None (0): No permissions
  • Enabled (1): Basic permissions for operations
  • Admin (2): Full control over the precompile

Here's how roles work across precompiles:

PrecompileRequired RoleOperations
NativeMinterAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Mint native tokens
Enabled- Mint native tokens
FeeManagerAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Configure gas fees
- Set minimum block cost
- Set block gas cost step
RewardManagerAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Configure reward address
- Enable/disable fee recipients
- Set reward address
WarpMessengerAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Send cross-chain messages
- Get verified messages
Enabled- Send cross-chain messages
- Get verified messages
TransactionAllowListAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Enable/disable addresses for transactions
Enabled- Submit transactions (if enabled)
DeployerAllowListAdmin- Set roles for other addresses
- Enable/disable addresses for deployments
Enabled- Deploy contracts (if enabled)

Example of checking and setting roles:

function AdminPanel() {
  const { readAllowList, setEnabled, setAdmin, setNone } = useAllowList(precompileAddress);
  // Check current role
  const checkAccess = async (address) => {
    const role = await readAllowList(43114, address);
    return role; // Returns: 0 (None), 1 (Enabled), 2 (Admin)
  // Grant Enabled role
  const grantEnabled = async (address) => {
    const data = setEnabled(address);
    return (
        title="Grant Access"
        description="Granting enabled role"
  // Grant Admin role
  const grantAdmin = async (address) => {
    const data = setAdmin(address);
    return (
        title="Grant Admin"
        description="Granting admin role"
  // Remove all roles
  const removeAccess = async (address) => {
    const data = setNone(address);
    return (
        title="Remove Access"
        description="Removing all roles"

Precompile Addresses

NativeMinter0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001Mint native tokens
TransactionAllowList0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000002Control transaction permissions
FeeManager0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000003Configure chain fees
RewardManager0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000004Manage reward distribution
WarpMessenger0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000005Cross-chain messaging
DeployerAllowList0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000Control deployment permissions

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