Modifying the Code

Lets modify the code to implement the Data API.

In this section, we will modify the code to implement the Data API.

Modify Backend src/app/api/wallet/route.ts

First we will implement the getBlockHeight function. This function is the same as the one in ERC20 Balance App, but we will repeat it for the sake of the tutorial. The goal of this function is to fetch recent blocks from the Data API then to return the highest block in the first position.

Next we will implement the listERC721Balances function. The goal of this function is to fetch the ERC-721 token balances for a given address.

Now we will implement the listErc1155Balances function. The goal of this function is to fetch the ERC-1155 token balances for a given address.

Finally we will implement the listRecentTransactions function. The goal of this function is to fetch recent transactions for a given address given a block start and end.

Modify Frontend src/app/basic-wallet/page.tsx

Now we will modify the frontend to make calls to our backend.

First we will implement the fetchERC20Balances function. The goal of this function is to make a call to our backend to get the user's ERC-20 token balances.

Next we will implement the fetchERC721Balances function. The goal of this function is to call our listErc721Balances function on the backend and return it as a Erc721TokenBalance array.

Now we will implement the fetchERC1155Balances function. The goal of this function is to call our listERC1155Balances function on the backend and return it as a Erc1155TokenBalance array.

Finally we will implement the fetchRecentTransactions function. The goal of this function is to call our listRecentTransactions function on the backend and return it as an object of type TransactionDetails.

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